Moh Blog


02 décembre, 2006


High-noon bird-eye view of an owl on Moroccan politics

Ce qui suit est ma réaction a un billet posté par A. Jmai dans un blog du Washignton Post. C’est en Anglish. Je m’en excuse auprès de mes quelques lecteurs francophones mais ça restera l’exception qui m’a privé du temps de vous causer Français. J’essayerai de me rattraper. Promis.

Let me try a high-noon bird-eye view of an owl on Moroccan politics

Throughout the world, islamism and faith based politics made a loosing pact from the get go, and the devil is in the details. Wrong time, wrong motives, wrong tools, wrong tree.. Opportunists of all kind, oppressive regimes, and their partners in the business invested in processing the rest of us have-no-dogs-in-the-fight and boy are they making a killing.

Radical religious ideologies, “Islamism” being the most singled out and talked about these days, pray on the weak the oppressed and the disenfranchised. Like AIDS there is no cure in sight and prevention is the only hope we nurture. The case for democracy and preemptive action to “crush” terror and protect the innocent can no longer be made after all what happened in the Middle East, Afghanistan and other strategic parts of the Muslim world.
Thanks to Bush policies, America who once we envied who taught us so much about democracy, human rights and social justice is no longer a credible teacher.

Yes there maybe more illiterates in morocco than human decency could care for. Ignorance on the other hand is worse and our elite have no clue about what’s happening in their own backyard. Who do you think really needs help?

There are many people like me who were able to walk the long path down the clayed (S’msar) horn book (Louha) every bit of the stroke of a bamboo pen crafted on the spot (kalam) dipped in sheep shit made into ink (somkh) who simply forgot that it is possible to light up a mind even with sheep shit!

Our elite embedded with the political parties (how many?) are engaged in strategic maneuvering to gain power over their own for the very sake of just that. Power. At the present time islamists appear to have the upper hand. How do they do it? I bet everyone involved in the political process in Morocco has a pretty good idea. The question is why can’t they do the same? Too corrupt? Too smart for their own constituents? Too self serving? Too much to lose? All and more?

If the media plays a role in shaping public opinion, the case of Morocco at least remains a paradox. PJD and the alikes that are in the business of self serving ideological propaganda appear able to superbly master the use of the little access they are allowed to conventional media outlets. I’d use the paradox to argue that our political elite fell in the trap of confusing illiteracy with ignorance. This equation does not commute! We have more than our share of the literate ignorance with all kinds of degrees to prove it. I won’t mention the saga of the “diplomés chomeurs”

Blaming it all on illiteracy is out right ignorance indeed. Mom can’t read a word of anything but she surely can spank the right out of any wrong. PJD and alikes by decoding the needs and the culture of illiteracy beat our moderate elite to the cookie jar: The grassroots.

There isn’t much left to do for our politically lettered at this time, except maybe come down their white horses, roll up some sleeves and start backing the goods. Otherwise one way or the other, whether they win or loose, radicals and extremists will have us all locked up in the jar, and no one, even Bush the supreme demander decider can get us out of it.

Who is not pissed off about the way things are being done to our people Boubker? Should we simply allow constant anger sidetrack the little ordinance we have (ie free press) from the bull’s-eye and settle for a glorious loss, (is that what it’s all about?) or fight (with sheep shit if we have to) to win the battle for democracy and social justice? Even if we have to smile and pat some backs when it deserves.

Politics is not my line of action. I squat in the receiving end, and boy do I feel it!
Holy crap! Look at yourself Boubker you can’t even spell a word in your columns without taking a piss at it. Just as coward as many of us laureates of theoretical shouting, holding a trumpet out of tune with our folks who have no clue what battle they are being rounded up for.

I do beg to believe in our people. Illiterate or not, they still are my people, and yes they are building the best they can with what they have and it is beautiful. And yes they will prevail as the new generations build their own path to happiness. The Moroccan way.


Congratulations on asking a very important question, why haven't the other political parties done as good a job as the PJD of connecting with the grassroots? Is it, as you said, that they have "too much to lose"?

Your comment on "literate illiteracy" reminds me of something a young friend of mine from Fès likes to say. Morocco's campaign against illiteracy has produced a generation who think they know something because they know how to read -- but they might as well be illiterate because they don't know how to interpret what they read.

I agree you that Morocco will evolve towards a better future, as it must -- and that the grassroots is smarter than they seem, and their confidence is a prize worth having.
Ash kat'kherbeq a si Moha. Do you miss the good ole days when the media could only write about how great and glorious al-malek is and how his Kingdom is moving forward to a better future (only because of his majesty)?

I am tired of seeing this Malek waste millions of DH (expenses of cortege royal) so he can have the pathetic Moroccan media video tape him giving a 2-DH bowl of Harira to some poor fella. I don't understand if he is the head of state or the head of some khayriya that spends more money than the Monarchy of Spain and of England.

Wa baraka mat t'le7so seer.

Boub'kr is doing what every journalist should be doing for nations like ours: criticize and expose this mafia government.
eatbees->thnx for the comment and the visit. "literate ignorance" is a plague only the will of the people can cure.

Karim->like eatbees says not everyone who can read can understand. I respect your opinion, but the subject was elsewhere. Thanks for the effort
moh le hibou sage! comment tu fais pour avoir un regard si percant.. a midi? bash ka t'3cha? :)) pas tout saisi mais reviens ou redis en fransaouia
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